Training the SALT3 Model


trainsalt -c <configfile> <options>

Although there are a number of training configuration files in the examples/ directory, the simplest way to train the SALT3.K21 model with all data and spectra and with the latest calibrations is to use the configuration files and data in the examples/SALT3TRAIN_K21_PUBLIC directory.

To train the SALT3.K21 model, run:

trainsalt -c Train_SALT3_public.conf

This directory contains all the lightcurves, spectra, and filter definition files needed to train the model, with outputs in the output directory.

The training is slow given the large data volume and takes approximately 1 to 1.5 days, but can be sped up with a couple reasonable choices. The first is changing the steps_between_errorfit argument to estimate model uncertainties less frequently, as uncertainty estimation (~4.5 hours) is the slowest component of the code:

trainsalt -c Train_SALT3_public.conf --steps_between_errorfit 15

Another option is to bin the spectra, which will reduce the amount of spectroscopic data points by an order of magnitude:

trainsalt -c Train_SALT3_public.conf --binspec True

This should not result in any noticeable difference to the model surfaces but hasn’t yet been tested fully. Additional speed and memory usage improvements are currently in progress.

SALT3 Training Configuration Options

See the examples/SALT3TRAIN_K21_PUBLIC/Train_SALT3_public.conf file and the examples/SALT3TRAIN_K21_PUBLIC/training.conf files for the full list of training options. Two configuration files are used with the goal that users should rarely have to modify the default training.conf options. Descriptions of each option are given below.

Name Default Description
main config file    
snlists   ASCII file or comma-separated list of files. Each file contains a list of SN files (see Photometry and Spectroscopy Format for input file format)
tmaxlist   Time of maximum light for each SN in training. See examples/SALT3TRAIN_K21_PUBLIC/SALT3_PKMJD_INIT.LIST.
snparlist   initial list x0,x1,c and FITPROB (prob. that the data matches model, from SALT2). See examples/SALT3TRAIN_K21_PUBLIC/SALT3_PARS_INIT.LIST
specrecallist   Option to provide an initial set of spectral recalibration parameters. No longer recommended.
dospec True If set, use spectra in training
maxsn None Debug option to limit the training to a given number of SNe
outputdir   Directory for trained model outputs
keeponlyspec False Debug option - keep only those SNe with spectroscopic data
initm0modelfile Hsiao07.dat Initial SN SED model. Initial parameter guesses are derived from this file. Default is the Hsiao model.
initm1modelfile   Initial SN SED model. Will guess M1 from a time-dilated Hsiao model if no file is given.
initsalt2model True If True, use SALT2 as the initial guess. Otherwise use initm0modelfile.
initsalt2var False If set, initialize model uncertainties using SALT2 values. No longer recommended as SALT3 error prescription is different.
initbfilt Bessell90_B.dat Nominal B-filter for putting priors on the normalization
resume_from_outputdir   Resume the training from an existing output directory
resume_from_gnhistory   If resume_from_outputdir is set, set to same directory name to resume training from a gnhistory.pickle file. This is useful if training crashes.
loggingconfig logging.yaml Gives configuration options for the training logs
trainingconfig training.conf Additional configuration file. Will look in the package directory if it’s not found in the current directory
calibrationshiftfile   A file that can adjust the calibration of the input files, e.g. for estimating systematics
filter_mass_tolerance 0.01 Amount of filter “mass” allowed to be outside the SALT wavelength range
fix_salt2modelpars False Debug option - if True, does not fit for M0 and M1.
validate_modelonly False If True, only produces model validation plots but not plots spectra or lightcurves (slow, and occasionally crashes).
[survey_<SURVEY>]   The parameters file requires a category for every SURVEY key in SN data files
kcorfile   Kcorfile (includes filter ZPT offsets and filter definitions) for each SURVEY key in SN data files
subsurveylist   Comma-separated list of sub-surveys for every survey, e.g. CFA4 is the subsurvey for survey name PS1_LOWZ_COMBINED(CFA4)
gaussnewton_maxiter 30 Maximum number of Gauss-Newton iterations allowed if convergence (delta chi^2 < 1) is not reached
regularize True Include regularization if True
fitsalt2 False Try to fit SN parameters with SALT2 model in the validation stage if True
n_repeat 1 deprecated, leave alone
fit_model_err True If True, fits model errors every steps_between_errorfit iterations
fit_cdisp_only False If True and fit_model_err is True, fits for the color scatter but no other model errors
steps_between_errorfit 5 Estimate model errors every x iterations
model_err_max_chisq 4 Begin estimating model errors when the reduced chi^2 of the training is below this
condition_number 1e-80 Conditioning matrices for the Gauss-Newton process. Leave this alone.
fit_tpkoff False if true, fit for time of maximum light along with other parameters (not well tested yet)
fitting_sequence all optionally, can fit for different model components in sequence. Can make it hard for training to converge
training.conf file   In most cases, leave these alone
specrecal 1 if 1 (or True), do the spectral recalibration
n_processes 1 deprecated
estimate_tpk False not recommended estimate time of maximum light for each SN before beginning the training. Not robust.
fix_t0 False deprecated
n_min_specrecal 3 minimum number of parameters for the spectral recalibration polynomial
n_max_specrecal 10 maximum number of parameters for the spectral recalibration polynomial
regulargradientphase 1e4 amplitude of gradient regularization chi^2 penalty for phase (semi-arbitrary)
regulargradientwave 1e5 amplitude of gradient regularization chi^2 penalty for wavelength (semi-arbitrary)
regulardyad 1e4 amplitude of dyadic regularization chi^2 penalty (semi-arbitrary)
m1regularization 100 multiply regularization amplitude for the M1 component by this amount (semi-arbitrary)
specrange_wavescale_specrecal 2500 normalizes the spectra for recalibration
n_specrecal_per_lightcurve 0.5 add one spectral recal parameter for every two photometric bands in a given SN
regularizationScaleMethod fixed options for adjusting regularization scale in training/
wavesmoothingneff 1 Gaussian smoothing scale for the amount of training data at each wavelength for smoothly varying Neff
phasesmoothingneff 3 Gaussian smoothing scale for the amount of training data at each phase for smoothly varying Neff
nefffloor 1e-4 below nefffloor, regularization does not continue to increase in strength
neffmax 0.01 above neffmax, regularization is turned off
binspec False use spectral binning if True
binspecres 29 resolution of the spectral binning
spec_chi2_scaling 0.5 tuned so that spectra and photometry contribute ~equally to total chi^2 in training
waverange 2000,11000 wavelength range over which the model is defined
colorwaverange 2800,8000 wavelength range over which the color law polynomial is fit
interpfunc bspline function for interpolating the model between control points (b-spline is default)
errinterporder 0 order of the spline interpolation for the errors
interporder 3 order of the spline interpolation for the model
wavesplineres 69.3 number of Angstroms between wavelength control points
waveinterpres 10 wavelength resolution of the model used during training (Angstroms)
waveoutres 10 wavelength resolution of the trained model written to output directory (Angstroms)
phaserange -20,50 phase range over which the model is defined (rest-frame days)
phasesplineres 3.0 phase resolution of the trained output model (days)
phaseinterpres 0.2 phase resolution of the model used during training (days)
phaseoutres 1 phase resolution of the trained model written to output directory (days)
n_colorpars 5 number of parameters used to define the color law polynomial
n_colorscatpars 5 number of parameters used to define the color scatter
n_components 2 number of model components (M0, M1) - additional components not yet allowed
error_snake_phase_binsize 6 spacing in days for the SALT error model B-spline interpolation
error_snake_wave_binsize 1200 spacing in Angstroms for the SALT error model B-spline interpolation
use_snpca_knots False if true, use the knot locations from the SALT2 training
[priors]   key is the name of a decorator in training/; value determines the (semi-arbitrary) width of each prior
x1mean 0.1 mean x1 = 0
x1std 0.1 standard deviation of x1 values = 1
m0endalllam 1e-5 at -20 days, M0 must go to zero flux
m1endalllam 1e-4 at -20 days, M1 must go to zero flux
colorstretchcorr 1e-4 color and stretch should not be correlated
colormean 1e-3 mean sample color is zero
m0positiveprior 1e-2 M0 is not allowed to be negative
recalprior 50 don’t allow spectral recalibration to go crazy
x1 -5,5,0.01 min,max,prior width on x1